Monday, December 28, 2015

Finding True Happiness


      Have you ever stopped to think what brings you true happiness in life? The happiness that comes from deep down inside and puts that big smile on your face. The excitement that builds up within you?

     I think we as humans, too often search to find our happiness from worldly things. Things that will be here today and gone tomorrow. Things that really don't matter in this life. Sure, it will bring some happiness for a short while, but does it bring that true happiness that last forever? I always feel like when trying to find it from worldly things, it never brings satisfaction. It causes you to be happy for a little while, then always want more and more. Or the bigger, better, or more fancy. Nothing becomes good enough anymore. You always want more and begin to forget what you have. Or what really matters in life. 

    I really believe God created us to find true happiness from Him. Things He created. All the beautiful things that make up this world. Not particularly the things of this world.  He created so much for us, yet we always think we need more. Relationships with loved ones can bring so much true happiness. Spending time with them, creating memories that will last forever. If you think about it, when you lose someone, you always reflect on the memories you made with that person. All the things you did with them. The times you spent together. The true happiness that they brought to you. You then forget about all the worldly things and realize none of that really matters anymore. Almost anyone would then say they'd give up anything to have that person back. Because it's something you can't live without. Or you learn to go on with life, but maybe it'll never be the same, because you don't have them walking beside you everyday putting that smile on your face, bringing you that happiness. 

  If you really take the time to just stop. Stop and breathe in all the beauty around you God created. Even in the midst of a world where everything seems to be falling apart sometimes, you can still find that beauty. It can be found in all the little things. We seem to always spend so much time in trying to be that perfect person, or have/find that perfect thing, yet forget the true reason why we are even living this life. Here on this earth. I think God intended for us to be here to have relationships with those around us, to enjoy and be satisfied with the things He created. 

   God gave us everything we could ever need on this earth to find that true happiness, it's just how hard we want to work to find it, then receive it. Take time each day to stop and remind yourself what brings you that true happiness from within. Is it from worldly things? Or is it truly from God? 

Have a great day everyone!!