Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring Break = Family Time

Tessa, me, and Sydney!

        This week is our Spring Break...Yay!! What's better than 

spending that time with the family? 

   The last couple of nights my sisters and I spent with our 

grandma. It's always nice to spend time with her! Reminiscing on 

stories from the past, in the midst of wishing grandpa was still 

here to enjoy the present with us - It's been almost 5 years too 

long since he's been gone. It seems so different without him 

sometimes. << I will definitely write a post on him, reflecting 

back on all the great times we had, while he was here on this 

earth!...But that will have to be saved for another day... 

   Taking a little break from the everyday routine, is always 

nice, but somehow getting back into it, seems just as nice too! 

When you finally do come home it seems like there's always so 

many things that need to be done! 



^^Here's a picture of grandma and I, 2 Christmases ago...I meant 

to take a picture while I was there and COMPLETELY forgot! Ugh! I 
hate when I do that kind of stuff! 

Have a great WeDnEsDaY everyone! 


  1. Your Grandma is such a wonderful person. She is a good friend to my Mom too. You are a lucky girl!! =) Vicki

    1. Yes she is! She's an amazing grandma! :) And she loves hanging out with your mom too!
