Friday, March 21, 2014

Love Your Life...

      I've been wanting to write a post about this for a long time - I just haven't found the right place to do so...until now...

      As we all know, you only live one life. So, why not spend it doing something you love? Living with no regrets?...Well, of course there are those small everyday ones....But, I'm talking about the BIG ones. Your job, places you've always wanted to see, but have never been, how you live your everyday life, all the way down to how you treat others. 
  God put you on this earth with one life. That's it! A very short life too. And then it's all over...You leave this earth saying "Wow...I can't believe I did that...Or, I always wish I would've done that"...
You never know when this may be your last day/hour/minute/second...Or even the person right next to you, the ones you love the most. Why spend everyday hating them for something they said or did, wishing they would be some other person, when God created them for who they are. There are some loved ones who have past on...I think of them everyday...Wishing I would've spent more time with them while they were on this earth...Now, I hope and pray I will get to see them in Heaven someday, and spend everlasting eternity with them. 
 Why spend everyday procrastinating in making those small steps, towards that BIG step, or dream you've always wanted? Starting small, always ends up to bigger and better things, you just have to be patient, and those doors will eventually open...Little by little...

 I know, I've only been on this earth a very short 17 years...But, with those short years, this all came to me. So, I try an live everyday to the fullest, learning from the ones who have been on this earth way longer than I, brushing off the little things, and working through the hard ones - the tough struggles - the ups and downs, the things that come with life! Life is not easy, God never intended it to be that way. What fun would that be anyway? Never having to work for what you want? Never drug through rugged times, for better/exciting/amazing things that come out of them? And even learning from them. Going through those struggles only makes you stronger and shapes you for who the person you are today and who you will become. "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger." <<< That, right there, is so true! Know one is perfect. Know one ever will be...We're only human... We are put on this earth to live for God - Love thy neighbor, as thyself - Take care of what you have, and those who are less fortunate - Learning from the wise, and teach the weak and innocent - and start everyday with a smile on your face, making the best of it! 

Take the life you were given on this earth, and truly make the best of it - Living your life to the fullest! Have a great FrIdAy everyone!

Quotes/Verses/Sayings of the day:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  ~Jeremiah 29:11

What you love to do shouldn't be defined by how much money, fame, or worldly desires you acquire, but by how much fun it is to be doing something you love.... ~Olan Rogers 

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck  

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog! You have such wisdom there for a 17 year old! I applaud you! Keep writing and learning!

    Your neighbor,

    Ed Winkle
