Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Farm Fresh Eggs


   After this hard winter, many months of molting, our hens our 

FINALLY starting to lay some eggs!! For the last couple of weeks 

we have been getting around 3-4 eggs per day! It's so nice to be 

able to bring fresh eggs in, knowing were they're coming from. 

As much as we hated to do so, during the winter months we had to 

buy store-bought eggs....Even though they supposedly were 

organic/free-range, it's amazing the difference in the coloring 

of the yokes, the more bland taste, and when you open up the 

carton of eggs, how EVERY single egg is identical. Why is it 

when you buy store-bought eggs, they are exactly the same size, 

the shells are exactly the same shade of brown/white, and the 

yokes are exactly the same shade of (pale) yellow? But yet, when 

opening a carton of farm-fresh eggs, you'll sometimes have a 

double-yolker, << (those are always fun to see!)the shells range 

from so many shades of brown - sometimes with spots, sometimes 

with lines, or sometimes just plain brown, the sizes range 

so remarkably - sometimes you may have this duck-sized egg, 

while other times maybe just an egg not much bigger than a 

Nightingale-bird egg? But why?? I believe, due to them being free-

range, they're diet is continually changing from day-to-day, 

they aren't stressed from being confined in a little cage - 

being forced to lay eggs, while catching all kinds of diseases, 

then passing it on to other hens, and most of all, the eggs are 

SO much more fresh, and don't have to go through a chemical bath 

to get all spic and span, so they can then be dropped into a 

carton, and shipped off to the grocery store. I guess it's like 

anything, the fresher you get it, the better it'll taste. 
   This is honestly nothing against those huge factory chicken 

farmers out there. You are just trying to make a living at what 

you do in this world. Please don't feel as if I am putting you 

down in anyway. I am just giving my point of view on things, 

while I still have "Freedom of Speech" in this country...Which 

is leading down a path of being taken away. Hopefully you would 

do the same, speaking out for what you believe in. 


Have an amazing WeDneSdAy everyone! Enjoy this sunshine!  

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